Timeless Houses showcases seventeen private residences designed by leading architects from four countries India , srilanka , Bangladesh , pakistan. Though all the houses are sited in the southern asian region they are diverse in their architectural forms and styles.Filled with copious coloured images of each project,plans that detail the innovative construction techniques,drawings,sections and in-depth information,the book tells a captivating visual story about the architecture of these houses. The brilliantly designed pages provide a walk – through experience of each dwelling while,the article offers background information of the architects,their work philosophy as well as particular challenges,unique solutions and materials used in the building process . The interviews at the end of each feature offer additional interesting insights about the houses and their designers.The book contains a wealth of information for professional architects,planners ,interior designers as well as the casual reader with an interest in design and the art of living .

Timeless Houses India Sri Lanka Bangladesh Pakistan
₹4,499.00 ₹1,995.00
Timeless Houses India Sri Lanka Bangladesh Pakistan
₹4,499.00 ₹1,995.00
Author : Kapil Aggarwal (Author), Mamta Upadhyaya (Editor)
Publisher: Lalwani Books International (2017)
ISBN-10: 8193440102
ISBN-13: 978-8193440100
2 in stock
SKU: 978-8193440100
Categories: Architecture & Interior, Architecture General, House & Housing - Architecture & Interiors, Indian - Architecture & Interiors
Tags: asian architecture, indian architecture, sri lanka architecture